Frequently Asked Questions
How should I write my clause?Use plain English. This will reduce confusion. Each extra clause should be one paragraph only.Defined TermsDefined Terms:
- Use of defined terms reduces the possibility of ambiguity in interpreting the document.
- By legal writing conventions, terms are defined when they first appear by use of brackets, parentheses and initial capital, e.g. (the "Privacy Policy").
- Thereafter that word with an initial capital carries the meaning of the defined term.
How do I draft the clause in plain English?Plain English means language that is simple and conveys ideas with the greatest possible clarity and avoids using legalese.
Legalistic Style | | Plain English |
at the present time | | now |
due to the fact that | | because; since |
during such time as | | while |
for the duration of | | during |
inasmuch as | | because; since |
in the event that | | if |
notwithstanding the fact that | | although; even if |
prior to | | before |
pursuant to | | under; in accordance with |
subsequent to | | after |
that certain | | a |
with reference to | | about |
Additional writing tipsAdditional tips:
- Always use the same name when describing a person or object more than once.
- Don’t address or contradict an issue that has already been answered in the questionnaire.
- Don't use "I", "us", "we", "you" or "they" when referring to the parties to the contract. This is ambiguous and confusing.
- Don’t abbreviate words.
- Spell-check.