Free Resume Builder

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Resume Builder

Work Experience

Work Experience

What jobs do you want to list on your resume?

Job Details

e.g. 2016

e.g. 2016

Frequently Asked Questions
How many jobs should I include?The number of jobs you include depends on what position you’re applying for and how much experience you have.

For example, if you’re applying for a position in sales, consider only listing the jobs you’ve had that are related to sales, marketing, customer service, and the like.

If you’re a student with limited work experience, you may list all your previous jobs, regardless if they’re related to your job search.
What if I've had multiple jobs at the same company?If you've held more than one job or position at the same company, list them as separate jobs. You may choose to omit any that are unrelated to your current career or that you've only held for a short time. What job should I list first?You should list your most recent employment first and work backwards through your job history. If you're only listing work experience related to the job you're applying for, include your most recent relevant job, followed by your next recent relevant job.

Related Documents:

  • Cover Letter: Explain why you’re interested in a job and give specific examples of the qualities that make you a good fit for the role.
  • Letter of Recommendation: Use this template to give an overview of someone’s skills and personality traits for a reference.
  • Reference List: Compile a list of personal or professional references for a job application.
  • Resignation Letter: Give your current employer notice that you’re quitting your job.
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