Free Financial Statement (Personal)

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Financial Statement (Personal)

Your Details

Your Details

Who is this financial statement for?
e.g. Bailey Jo Miller

e.g. Street, City, State/Territory, Postcode

Who is your employer?What if I'm self-employed?If you're self-employed, you can write "Self-employed" in the Employer Name field.
e.g. Smith Jones & Associates

What is your job title?
e.g. Accountant

How long have you been in this position?
e.g. Two years

Your Financial Statement (Personal)

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PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT as of ____ ________________ ________ OF _________________________ of _________________________ (the "Applicant") FOR _________________________ of _________________________


This Personal Financial Statement is being made for the purpose of: disclosing financial information to the party named above to obtain a loan.

Applicant's Personal Information
Name: _________________________
Address: _________________________
Phone: __________
Employer: _________________________
Position: _________________________
Number of years at position: _________________________

Section 1. Balance Sheet



Total Assets




Total Liabilities


Net Worth


Section 2. Annual Income/Contingent Liabilities

Annual Income


Contingent Liabilities








Legal Claims


Real Estate Income


Other Contingent Liabilities


Investment Income



Other Income



Total Annual Income


Total Contingent Liabilities


The Applicant certifies that all the information provided in this statement is true and accurate as of ____ ________________ ________. The Applicant authorises _________________________ to make any inquiries that _________________________ feels is necessary to verify the information in this financial statement.


Related documents

  • Loan Agreement: Record a loan between you and a lender and detail how you will repay the loan.
  • Promissory Note: Record a loan between you and a lender and detail how you will repay the loan.
  • Personal and Corporate Guarantee: Agree to be responsible for the debts or obligations of a borrower.
  • Last Will and Testament: Outline how you wish your assets to be distributed after you pass away.
  • Business Plan: Outline your company's challenges and opportunities, as well as its marketing, financial, and management plans.
Personal Financial Statement Template Sample thumbnail


Personal Financial Statement

Personalise your Personal Financial Statement.

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