Free Trademark Assignment

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  • Sign at your convenience.

Trademark Assignment Details
Check to Show Hints for Completing this Form

This software has the flexibility to let you quickly create the Assignment of Trademark you want. It does this by providing many options with appropriate defaults.

One common default is 'Do Not Specify'. This default means that the finished agreement will not have a clause dealing with that topic. The benefit of not specifying is that you get a shorter and simpler document; however, the document will be less precise. Also, in some cases, the issue may not even be applicable. For example, if you do not want to specify whether utilities are included in the rent, then it is appropriate to pick 'Do Not Specify' for the answer to this question.

Assignor (the person or organization that owns the trademark)

Number of Assignors:

First Assignor's Information


(e.g. Street, City, State and Zipcode)

Second Assignor's Information


(e.g. Street, City, State and Zipcode)

Third Assignor's Information


(e.g. Street, City, State and Zipcode)
Assignee (the person or organization that is purchasing the trademark)

Number of Assignees:

First Assignee's Information


(e.g. Street, City, State and Zipcode)

Second Assignee's Information


(e.g. Street, City, State and Zipcode)

Third Assignee's Information


(e.g. Street, City, State and Zipcode)

Are you transferring a trademark or a service mark?
No Image
A service mark is used to distinguish the services or to identify the services of one person from the services of others. A trademark is used to identify and distinguish goods made or sold by one person from goods made or sold by others.
Is the mark:
Set out word or phrase as it is used in your business:
No Image
Supported file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp
Maximum file size: 2MB
For best results, use an image that is less than 600 pixels tall and less than 600 pixels wide.

Is the mark:
No Image
Federal trademarks and service marks ("Marks") may be, but do not have to be, registered at the federal Patent and Trademark Office. Marks may be registered at the federal Patent and Trademark Office if, among other things, the Mark is being used in commerce that is regulated by the U.S. congress, such as interstate commerce or commerce between the U.S. and another country. Registration protects the Mark across the U.S. and creates a presumption of ownership.

Marks that are used within a single state may be, but do not have to be, registered at the state registry. Again, registration provides greater protection to the owner of the Mark.
No Image
A Mark is pending registration if an application to register has been made but is not yet complete. Note, registration of a Mark is not guaranteed. Someone else may have rights to the Mark, or the Mark may not be registrable because it does not meet legislative requirements for registration.
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At common law, one may earn rights to a Mark in the geographical area in which the Mark is used if one uses the Mark to distinguish his or her goods or services from the goods or services of others in the market.
Where is the mark registered?
Registration Number?
Area in which the mark has been used?

Name the area, such as a city, a county, a region or a state in which the trademark or service mark has been used on a consistent basis.


Price of the Assignment:
(e.g. 1000.00, etc.)
When is the Price payable?
Provide details here:
Representations and Warranties

Select the representations that the Assignor will make:
The Assignor owns the mark
The mark is free of all security interests
The Assignor has not granted any licenses to use the mark
The Assignor is not aware of any competing claims for the mark
Signing Details

Agreement Signed:
Where will this Agreement be signed?
Signed before a Notary Public?