Free Cover Letter

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Cover Letter


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Your Cover Letter

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 8 September 2024

To Whom It May Concern,

I am pleased to submit my application for the __________ opening at your company. I have used this letter to briefly summarize why my application is worthy of attention.

I am excited to work at this company because ________________________________________.

As an applicant with skills in __________, I have confidence that I am a strong candidate for the role of __________. For example, _______________________________________________________.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application to join the team at your company. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at.



Last updated February 27, 2024

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What is a Cover Letter?

A Cover Letter is a document that highlights your skills and qualifications to a potential employer, mentor, or landlord. It makes a case as to why you’re the best candidate for a certain position.

A Cover Letter often prefaces a Resume, Curriculum Vitae (CV), or Rental Application Form, and it typically doesn’t exceed one page.

What is a motivation letter?

Like a Cover Letter, a motivation letter can accompany various application forms. However, rather than focusing on specific skills and examples of work experience, a motivation letter highlights your passions, inspirations, and reasons for applying.

Motivation letters are helpful when applying for an internship or rental agreement. They can also help you stand out in competitive markets, like when making an Offer to Purchase Real Estate.

You can easily customise LawDepot’s Cover Letter template to work as a motivation letter if that better suits your purposes.

How to write a Cover Letter

Use LawDepot’s Cover Letter template to send a professional and effective application letter. Our questionnaire guides you through three essential parts of a letter:

1. Addressing the letter

Greet the hiring manager and let them know what title or position you’re seeking. If you can't find their name, the template uses “To Whom It May Concern.”

You can also include the recipient’s mailing address if needed.

2. Introducing and promoting yourself

Each paragraph in this section should comprise of two to three concise sentences. It’s good to be enthusiastic and conversational—just remember to stay professional. And, ideally, the letter should be free of grammar and spelling mistakes.

Start by stating your name and the reason you’re applying. If you’re writing a motivation letter, feel free to elaborate on your reason for interest.

Next, list up to three relevant skills, abilities, or qualities that make you fit for the position. Remember to look at the position requirements and talk about anything that overlaps with your skillset and experience.

Then, give examples of times you used those skills to accomplish something. A motivation letter might expand on your reasons for applying. Consider, for example:

  • How are you distinguishable from others in the application pool?
  • Did something have a profound impact on you?
  • What’s the reason for your passion?

3. Ending the letter

Finally, send a closing statement by thanking the reader for their time.

Give your contact information to ensure you're easily reachable. Include your phone number and email (mailing address optional).

You can also add the date if needed.

Why do I need a Cover Letter?

A well-written Cover Letter helps you stand out from other applicants by pitching any unique skills or accomplishments you have. Many organisations expect or request a Cover Letter as part of an application. So, not providing one could be detrimental to your eligibility.

A Cover Letter is not legally mandatory. Still, unless the recruitment posting explicitly states otherwise, it's generally a good idea to include one.

Related documents

  • Resume Builder: Generate a custom Resume or CV that includes your skills, experience, education, interests, and more.
  • Letter of Recommendation: Create a referral letter that assesses someone’s character and abilities.
  • Resignation Letter: Use this letter to notify your employer that you’re quitting.
  • Reference List: Provide a list of personal and professional acquaintances who can vouch for you.
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Cover Letter

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