Free Performance Contract

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Performance Contract

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Does my document need to be witnessed?Most documents and contracts do not require a witness for them to be legally valid. However, many banks and other institutions have their own policies about signing requirements, and may refuse to accept documents that are not witnessed, regardless of whether they are legally correct.

Having witnesses present is a means of providing evidence that the document was properly executed which makes it easier to rely on in the event of a dispute.
Who can be a witness?A witness should be an adult third party who has no personal or business relationship with any of the parties.

Your Performance Contract

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THIS CONTRACT (the "Agreement") made and entered into this ________ day of ________________, ________ (the "Execution Date"),


_________________________ of _________________________
(the "Client")


- AND -

(the "Performer")



  1. The Performer is a professional entertainer known as "_________________________".
  2. The Client wishes to engage the Performer subject to the terms and conditions as follows:

IN CONSIDERATION OF and as a condition of the Client hiring the Performer and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is acknowledged here, the parties to this Agreement agree as follows:

  1. Business Address of the Performer
  2. Any payments by cheque or money order should be made out to __________
    The Performer's business address is as follows:
    Address: _________________________
    Telephone: _________________________

  3. Business Address of the Client
  4. The Client's business address is as follows:
    Address: _________________________
    Telephone: _______________________

  5. Venue
  6. The place of performance (the "Venue") is located at:
    Name: _________________________
    Address: _________________________
    Telephone: _________________________

  7. Performance
  8. The entertainment to be provided by the Performer is generally described as ___________________________________ (the "Performance").
  9. Date and Time of Performance
  10. The Performance will consist of one show on the date and between the times indicated in the table below and the Venue will be available for set-up and sound check at the date and time also indicated in the table:

    Set-up Time and Date

    Date of Show

    Start Time

    End Time

    6 October 2024

    6 October 2024



  11. Payment
  12. In full consideration for all services rendered by the Performer at the Performance, the Client agrees to pay the Performer a fixed fee of ₹__________ INR (the "Fee").
  13. Deposit
  14. The Client will pay to the Performer ₹__________ INR as a deposit (the "Deposit") by 6 October 2024. If the Client fails to provide the Deposit promptly by 6 October 2024, the Performer may cancel this Agreement without further obligation.
  15. Performer Expenses
  16. The Performer agrees that the Fee is inclusive of all expenses, accommodations, holiday entitlements, traveling expenses to and from the Venue and covers any costs incurred by the Performer whatsoever, except as expressly provided in this Agreement.
  17. Payment of Balance
  18. Promptly after the last show on the final date of the Performance, the Client will pay to the Performer any outstanding balance of the Fee in cash, money order, certified cheque, or online payment.
  19. Cancellation
  20. The Performer reserves the right to cancel this Agreement without obligation upon written notice to the Client prior to 6 October 2024. In the event the Performer cancels the Performance under the terms of this section, the Deposit will be returned to the Client promptly.
  21. The Client reserves the right to cancel this Agreement without obligation upon written notice to the Performer prior to 6 October 2024. In the event of said cancellation, the Deposit will be returned promptly. Cancellation by the Client for any reason later than 6 October 2024 will result in forfeit of the Deposit. Cancellation by the Client later than 6 October 2024 will also require payment of any outstanding balance of the full Fee.
  22. Non-performance by the Client
  23. Those obligations of the Client required to be met prior to the Performance are conditions precedent which must be satisfied in full by the Client before the Performer is required to perform unless otherwise agreed to by all parties in writing. If the Client cancels or postpones the Performance, or any show comprising the Performance, without proper notice or fails to make any payment or fails to perform any other condition precedent as required by this Agreement then the Client will be in breach of this Agreement and the Performer will have no further obligations under this Agreement. The Client will forfeit any Deposit already paid to the Performer.
  24. Security Deposit
  25. The Performer will not be required to post a security deposit against any or all possible damage related to or arising from the Performance.
  26. Force Majeure
  27. Neither the Performer nor the Client will be held liable for any failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement where such breach is due to any of the following: acts or regulations of public authorities, labour difficulties or strike, inclement weather, epidemic, interruption or delay of transportation service, acts of God, or any other legitimate cause beyond the reasonable control of the Performer and the Client.
  28. Sickness and Accidents
  29. The Performer agrees to meet its obligations under this Agreement subject to legitimate incapacity by sickness or accident. Failure to meet its obligations under this section will result in the Performer returning any and all outstanding deposits to the Client.
  30. No Recording of the Performance
  31. Recording or transmitting of the Performance by anyone through any means whatsoever will not be allowed under this Agreement. It is the responsibility of the Client to enforce this provision.
  32. Exclusivity
  33. The Performer will perform exclusively for the Client throughout the actual period of services of this Agreement unless otherwise provided by the Client in writing. The Performer at the time of signing this Agreement will not be under any contract to a third party that might preclude the Performer from fulfilling the requirements of this Agreement.
  34. Indemnification
  35. The Performer is responsible only for its own conduct. The Performer will be compensated by the Client for any and all damage done to the Performer's equipment by the Client, its agents or guests. The Client indemnifies and holds the Performer harmless for any and all property damage or personal injury that results from or is related to the Performance that is not directly caused by the Performer.
  36. Permits
  37. The Client warrants and represents that it has obtained any and all permits, approvals, licenses and variances necessary for the Performance.
  38. Security
  39. The Client will take reasonable precautions for the safety of the Performer and the Performer's equipment during all aspects of the Performance and at all times while the Performer and the Performer's equipment is on the Venue premises. The Client is also responsible for ensuring that only the Performer and its designated technicians and representatives are allowed on stage or in the backstage area.
  40. Picket Lines
  41. The Performer will not be required to cross a picket line established by a labour organisation at the Venue nor will the Performer be disciplined, or this Agreement be considered or deemed breached by the Performer, by reason of the Performer's refusal to cross such picket line.
  42. Governing Law
  43. This Agreement will be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of . The Client and the Performer each submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of  for the enforcement of this Agreement or any arbitration award or decision arising from this Agreement.
  44. Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing
  45. The Client and the Performer agree to perform their obligations under this Agreement, in all respects, in good faith.
  46. Miscellaneous Terms
  47. Time is of the essence in this Agreement.
  48. This Agreement may be executed in counterpart. Facsimile signatures are binding and are considered to be original signatures.
  49. No part of the Performance may consist of acts in violation of any local laws, codes, statutes, ordinances, regulations, rules or any other requirements including building and fire regulations. If the Performer violates this section, the Client may immediately cancel the Performance and this Agreement.
  50. The Performer's representative warrants that by signing this Agreement it has the authority to bind the Performer to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
  51. Headings are inserted for the convenience of the parties only and are not to be considered when interpreting this Agreement. Words in the singular mean and include the plural and vice versa. Words in the masculine gender include the feminine gender and vice versa. Words in the neuter gender include the masculine gender and the feminine gender and vice versa.
  52. If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, it is the parties' intent that such provision be reduced in scope by the court only to the extent deemed necessary by that court to render the provision reasonable and enforceable and the remainder of the provisions of this Agreement will in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated as a result.
  53. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties and cannot be changed except by written instrument subsequently executed by the parties to this Agreement. All negotiations and understandings have been included in this Agreement. Statements or representations which may have been made to the Client by the Performer, or to the Performer by the Client, in the negotiation stages of this Agreement may in some way be inconsistent with this final written contract. All such statements are declared to be of no value in this Agreement. Only the written terms of this Agreement will bind the parties.
  54. This Agreement and the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement apply to and are binding upon the Performer's successors, assigns, executors, administrators, beneficiaries, and representatives, and the Client's successors and assigns.
  55. The Performer specifically warrants and represents that all copyrighted material to be performed has been licensed or authorised by the copyright owners or their representatives. The Performer indemnifies the Client for any copyright infringement and any expenses that may result from such copyright infringement during or as the result of the Performance.
  56. The Client will be responsible for providing suitable power and electricity for the Performance.
  57. It is the intent of the parties to this Agreement that the Performer is an independent contractor and will control the manner and means of the Performance. The Client will control the scheduling of the Performance. The Performer is not an employee of the Client. The exclusive nature of this Agreement is limited to the duration of the Performance and it is expected that the Performer will enter other similar agreements with other clients.
  58. Any notices or delivery required here will be deemed completed when hand-delivered, delivered by agent, or seven days after being placed in the post, postage prepaid, to the parties at the respective addresses contained in this Agreement or as the parties may later designate in writing.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Client and Performer have duly affixed their signatures under hand and seal on this ________ day of ________________, ________.





Last Updated March 27, 2024

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What is a Performance Contract?

A Performance Contract outlines the terms and conditions of a performance taking place at a commercial or private venue.

Venues and event managers use this contract to outline the details of an upcoming performance to the performer. The performer or performer's agency can also create a Performance Contract.

A Performance Contract protects an entertainment venue's interests concerning performance scheduling, accommodations, cancellations, and liabilities.

Common events requiring a Performance Contract include:

  • Weddings
  • Concerts and shows
  • Corporate events, such as company parties
  • Family reunions

A Performance Contract is also known as an:

  • Entertainment contract
  • Performance agreement

How do I write a Performance Contract in India?

You can easily create a Performance Contract by completing LawDepot’s questionnaire. Using our template ensures you complete these necessary steps.

1. Provide the performer’s details

State whether the performer is a solo or group act. Include the following details in the contract:

  • Performer’s stage name (if applicable)
  • Performer’s real name
  • Performer’s address and contact information

Additionally, specify who has signing authority for the performer. You can assign contract signing authority to a group leader, all group members, or a business manager.

Anyone performing copyrighted work in public also needs a licence from the Indian Performing Right Society (IPRS).

2. Provide the client and venue details

The client is the person or business hiring the performer. Provide the client’s and venue’s name, address, and phone number in the Performance Contract questionnaire.

3. Outline performance and payment details

Performance type

Describe the type of performance taking place. For example, if a musical group is the performer, state the genre of music they will perform.

Payment details

LawDepot’s Performance Contract template gives you the payment options of a fixed fee, percentage of gross sales, or a combination of both.

A fixed fee is an agreed-upon amount of money the client will pay the performer. The dollar amount doesn’t change and isn’t dependent on other factors.

A percentage of gross sales means the performer’s remuneration or payment is dependent on the amount of money made in sales at the event. Typically, the performer receives a percentage of the money earned in sales.

If applicable, state the deposit amount and overtime rate. Overtime rates apply if the performer agrees to perform outside of the contracted showtimes.

Client’s expenses

Outline any expenses the client will cover for the performer. These may include:

  • Rental vehicles for performers and equipment
  • Hotel accommodations
  • Plane tickets
  • Free drinks and meals

4. Outline the performer’s duties

The performer and client need to discuss a variety of details before the performance. Both parties should have clear answers for important questions, such as:

  • Can the performer sell merchandise?
  • Is there a dress code?
  • Does the performer have the authority to make changes to personnel?
  • Will there be pyrotechnics?

5. State client duties

Provide important details that outline the client’s duties and obligations.


It’s common for a venue to advertise upcoming performances it will be hosting. In your Performance Contract, state whether the client has to advertise the event.

Liability insurance

Liability insurance protects the client against claims related to bodily injuries or property damage that may occur while hosting an event. Select “yes” in the questionnaire if the client needs liability insurance.

6. Outline resolutions for cancellations and disputes


In the event of a cancellation, having a plan is a good way to avoid conflict between a performer and client.

Select the dates by which:

  • The performer can cancel the agreement without obligation upon written notice
  • The client can cancel the agreement with a refundable deposit
  • The client can cancel the agreement but lose the deposit

Alternative dispute resolution

Suppose there is a dispute between the performer and the client. In that case, they can choose to use alternative dispute resolution instead of the courts to resolve the issue.

The parties may choose between going to mediation followed by arbitration if the mediation is unsuccessful or going directly to arbitration. A mediator aims to assist the parties in negotiating a settlement. An arbitrator acts like a judge and usually has some knowledge of the industry. The decision of an arbitrator is binding on the parties.

Specify how many days either party has to inform the other party of a dispute. State the number of days the notified party has to resolve the dispute before continuing to mediation or arbitration.

7. Describe additional clauses

Describe any additional clauses in the Performance Contract. The need for additional clauses may depend on the type of performance taking place. Some examples may be security, dressing room accommodations, and permitting audio and video recording.

Related Documents:

  • Consulting Agreement: Outline the terms of a contract in which a consultant offers their services to a client in exchange for compensation.
  • Independent Contractor Agreement: Outline the terms of a working relationship between an independent contractor and a customer.
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Performance Contract

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