Free Child Travel Consent

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Child Travel Consent



Your Child Travel Consent

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Declaration for Domestic Travel with One Legal Guardian

I, ____________________ of _________________________ declare that I am the legal parent/guardian of:

____________________, male, born 19 April 2024 at ____________________

I have sole custody of the child and do not legally require the consent of any other person to travel with the child.

My child, ____________________, has my consent to travel with me to ___________________________________________________________

Signed on this ________ day of ________________, ________.


Witness Signature

Witness Name

Last updated December 29, 2023

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A Child Travel Consent gives a minor child (i.e., under 18 years old) permission to travel without their parents or legal guardians. Use this form when your child needs to travel alone or with another adult who isn't their legal guardian (e.g., a grandparent, friend, or teacher).

You can use the same travel consent letter for domestic and international flights. However, if your child’s travel itinerary involves multiple stops, consider creating a consent letter for each leg of their trip.

A Child Travel Consent is also known as a:

  • Parental Consent Form
  • Travel Consent Letter
  • Travel Permission Letter
  • Consent Letter for Children Travelling Abroad

Proof of parental consent is an essential step in preventing child abductions. Children under 18 years old travelling outside of India need a Child Travel Consent form with them. 

Situations that commonly require a Child Travel Consent include:

  • Children travelling with only one parent when their parents are legally separated
  • Students travelling abroad as part of a school trip
  • Children travelling with a group, such as a sports team, vacation tour, or another cultural or religious organisation
  • Children travelling with a temporary guardian or extended family members, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, or cousins
  • A minor travelling alone (by plane, train, or ship), meeting their guardian at their destination

If your child is flying internationally, you should also check the destination country's government website to see if the country requires parental authorisation before allowing a child to cross their borders in someone else's custody.

For domestic travel, it's a good idea to have everyone with a legal right to make decisions on the child's behalf sign the Child Travel Consent. For international travel, it's very likely the destination country will require signatures from all the child's legal guardians upon arrival too. Even if one of the parents or guardians isn't travelling with the child, all parents should sign the form.

If both parents are unable to sign the document, you’ll likely need to provide border officials with documentation showing why it wasn’t possible.

For example, if a parent has sole custody, provide the original (or a certified true copy) of the custody order or judgement awarding sole custody. If a parent is deceased, provide the original (or a certified true copy) of the death certificate.

What if I have a different family name from my child?

If you and your child have different family names, there is a possibility that you will need to show proof of your relationship at the airport. You can use the child’s birth certificate to show that you’re their parent or guardian.

You can easily create a customised Child Travel Consent by filling out LawDepot's questionnaire. Using our template will ensure you complete the necessary steps:

Step 1: Determine if the child is travelling domestically or internationally

Start your Child Travel Consent by determining if the child is travelling domestically or internationally. Children flying internationally need a passport. If the destination is within India, children should have some form of photo identification (e.g., school identification) on them.

Step 2: State the child’s name

State the child’s full name in your Child Travel Consent. 

You’re able to include up to six children in one form.

Step 3: Outline important trip details

You need to outline essential details about the child's trip, such as their destination and the dates they're departing and returning.

Step 4: Include the child’s birth details

For each child included in the Child Travel Consent, make sure the form states their gender, birthday, and place of birth.

Step 5: Specify if the child has a passport

The child needs to carry a passport if they’re travelling internationally. You’ll need to get the following information from the passport for your Child Travel Consent:

  • The child’s nationality
  • Passport number
  • The date the passport was issued
  • The issuing authority

The issuing authority is the government office or agency that issued the passport. The information is listed on the photo page of your child's passport.

Children between the ages of 15 and 18 might be permitted to travel between India and Nepal using an identity certificate.

Step 6: Specify if the child is travelling with their birth certificate

If the child is travelling with their birth certificate, you need to include the birth certificate number and where it was issued in your document.

Step 7: State who is supervising the child and provide their details

Specify if the child is travelling:

  • Alone
  • With a parent or guardian
  • With an adult who is not a parent or guardian
  • With an organisation or group

The form should include the parent’s or guardian’s full name, address, and phone number.

If the child is flying with someone who doesn't have custody of them or as part of a group, you need to include their supervisor's personal information and passport details.

Finish the Child Travel Consent by dating and signing the document. Anyone with custody of the child needs to sign the form.

Many countries require a Child Travel Consent to be notarized by a notary public for proof of authenticity. The notary public validates the identities and signatures of every person named in a document. Without notarized consent, border officials could delay or prevent your child from travelling further.

Check for official travel advisories and different exit and entry requirements before sending your child on a trip abroad. Many countries have strict requirements regarding proof of custody to prevent international child abduction.

Related Documents

  • Child Medical Consent: Give a temporary guardian permission to authorise medical treatments for your child.
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