With our Advance Healthcare Directive template, you can make decisions regarding the following medical treatments:
Life-sustaining treatments
A life-sustaining treatment replaces or supports a bodily function which is failing or not operating properly. Where someone has a treatable condition, life-sustaining treatments can be used temporarily until the body can resume its normal function again.
In your Advance Healthcare Directive, you can either consent to all life-sustaining treatments that are necessary or you can opt-out of some. For example, you can specify that you do not want any or all of the following treatments:
- Assisted breathing, such as a mechanical ventilator or breathing machine
- Dialysis
- Artificial feeding intravenously
- Artificial feeding through a tube in the nose (nasogastric tube)
- Artificial feeding through a tube in the abdomen (PEG tube)
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency manoeuvre which is applied directly to the chest of a person whose heart has stopped. It manually preserves brain function until further measures can be taken to restore regular blood circulation and breathing.
In your Advance Healthcare Directive, you can state that:
- You do not want CPR
- You only want CPR if your doctor believes it may be medically beneficial
Some people outline that they do not want CPR to prolong life. This is referred to as a “do not resuscitate order.”
Other specific treatments
In your Advance Healthcare Directive, you can outline other specific treatments you do not want because of your circumstances or a diagnosis. For example, if you are diagnosed with terminal cancer and you do not want to receive chemotherapy, you can include this in your AHD.
Place of care
In your Advance Healthcare Directive, you can outline where you would like to be cared for if you are nearing death. You can outline whether you prefer your home, a hospice, a hospital, a nursing home, or another place.
Organ donation
In addition to care preferences, you can specify whether you want to donate your organs after you pass away. For example, you can outline that you would like to donate your heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and pancreas.