Free Child Travel Consent

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Child Travel Consent

Birth Details

Birth Details

Child's Birth Details

e.g. Midleton, County Cork (include country if not Ireland) 

Your Child Travel Consent

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Child Domestic Travel Consent

I, ____________________ of _________________________ declare that I am the legal parent/guardian of:

____________________, male, born 12 September 2024 at ____________________

I have sole custody of the child and do not legally require the consent of any other person to travel with the child.

My child, ____________________, has my consent to travel with me to ___________________________________________________________

Signed on this ________ day of ________________, ________.


Witness Signature

Witness Name

A Child Travel Consent Form is a document parents and legal guardians use to grant permission for their minor children to travel without them. It aims to keep minors safe, protect parental rights, and prevent abductions across borders. 

International and domestic border security personnel can ask for a consent form when a child travels without one or both legal guardians, with a temporary guardian (i.e., grandparent, or by themselves. 

A Child Travel Consent Form is also known as a:

  • Parental permission to travel letter
  • Parental travel consent form
  • Travel consent form for minor
  • Parent consent letter

Any child under 18 years old travelling without one or both parents, whether internationally or domestically, should have a Child Travel Consent Form. Completing this consent form is essential because authorities need proof that a child is travelling with both parents’ permission. Examples of when you need this form include when your child is travelling:

  • Unaccompanied and possibly meeting a guardian at their destination
  • With a group, sports team, or other organisation
  • With grandparents or other family members
  • With only one parent
  • For a school trip

The adult travelling with the child should carry the form in their possession. 

Having a Child Travel Consent is especially important when travelling outside of Ireland, as many countries require international minors to travel with documentation that proves parental authorisation. For example, the United States of America has requirements for Child Travel Consent letters when entering the country, while Ireland has the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act of 1997, which makes it an offense to take or send children under the age of 16 out of Ireland without consent from a parent. In addition, many countries have joined the Hague Convention, a treaty that helps return children who have faced international abduction by a parent.

Additional documents to have with your Child Travel Consent 

It's important to prepare all the other documents your child may need for their trip. In addition to a Child Travel Consent Form, you may also need to send the following documents with them:

  • Copy of parent or guardian ID to verify your consent details
  • Birth certificate or adoption papers
  • Proof of any required vaccinations

Always check the advisory details of the destination your child is travelling to for any further details you may need to prepare for their trip.

Additionally, airlines or transportation services may have requirements for children travelling domestically and internationally, including ages they can travel alone or paperwork they may need.

If your child is travelling without both parents, you should create a Child Medical Consent form so a temporary guardian can make medical decisions on your behalf. This will assist medical staff in an emergency and note any medications your child may need while travelling.

Yes, separated and single parents need Child Travel Consent forms. If a child is only travelling with one parent or guardian, the other needs to complete a Child Travel Consent Form. The only exceptions are parents with sole custody (e.g., one parent has passed away).  However, proof of custody or a death certificate may still be necessary to travel in these cases.

A single parent travelling with a child will need the regular documents required to travel but should also include additional papers applicable to their situation. For example, some parents have surnames that are different from their children's, so the correct documents can prove their relationship if questioned by travel authorities. Additional documents can include:

  • The child’s birth certificate
  • Adoption certificate or guardianship papers
  • Marriage certificate, if applicable
  • Proof of separation and custody (i.e., Separation Agreement or divorce papers)

Using LawDepot’s Child Travel Consent template, simply select if your child will be travelling domestically or internationally, then fill in their full name. You can include more than one child if all of your children are taking the same trip. 

From there, fill in the following information.

1. Describe the travel plans

Outline where your child is travelling and their trip itinerary. Immigration officers and authorities need to know where and when your child will be and what permission you have given for travel. This includes:

  • Destination
  • Dates of their trip
  • Accommodation names and addresses

You can include more than one destination if your child is taking a more extensive trip with various legs of the journey.

2. Provide your child’s details

Next, you need to include your child’s date of birth and place of birth.

To help save time before their trip, you can fill in the consent form with your child’s passport and birth certificate details now or wait until later if it applies to the trip. 

Though it’s not always mandatory, having your child travel with their birth certificate both locally and internationally is good practice to verify their identity and relationship to you.

3. Provide the supervision details

Include the information about who your child is travelling with and who will supervise them on their trip. This can be:

  • One parent
  • Grandparents
  • Other family members
  • School or organisation
  • Travelling alone

Include the name(s) and passport details of the one travelling with your child. If your child is travelling alone, you may need to include who will pick them up once they arrive at their destination. Many countries and travel companies require these depending on the age requirements in place. 

4. Provide details for non-travelling parent(s)

Next, provide the name, address, and contact information for one or both parents who aren’t travelling with the child. It’s essential to include this information in case travel authorities need to reach you to confirm your consent to your child’s travel arrangements.

5. Sign the form

Both parents or guardians should sign this consent unless one has sole custody. All signatures should be completed with the correct witnessing requirements for your child’s travel. 

If a child is travelling with one parent, this will be completed by the parent or guardian not travelling with them who permits the trip.

Having your consent form signature witnessed by a practicing solicitor or Commissioner of Oaths is important for international travel. Many countries require it because it validates your permission in the eyes of travel authorities. If your consent form isn’t witnessed and signed correctly, it may delay or prevent your child’s travel.

Though it’s not as necessary when travelling domestically, it’s still an excellent idea to have your consent form signed and witnessed by a solicitor or Commissioner of Oaths, as it further validates your child’s permission to travel.

Related Documents

  • Child Medical Consent: Create a consent form to give a temporary guardian permission to authorise medical treatments for your child.
  • Separation Agreement: Outline the terms of your separation from a spouse.
  • Last Will and Testament: Write how you want your estate to be distributed after you pass away.
  • Power of Attorney: Give an individual authorisation to make financial, business, and other decisions on your behalf.
Thumbnail for a sample of a Child Travel Consent document.


Child Travel Consent

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