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Termination by Tenant

Create your Tenant Lease Notice

Create your Tenant Lease Notice

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a lease notice?A lease notice is how the tenant gives notice to the landlord on such matters like breaches in the terms of the lease or demanding some form of remedy. However, it can also be used for something simple such as providing a notice the party intends to end the lease.

Example of lease notices are: repair notice, intent to vacate notice, and termination notice.
What type of property can these notices be used for?These eviction and lease notices are intended for use with residential property such as houses, apartments, condos, etc.

Use with commercial property at your own discretion.
What is a Repair Notice?A Repair Notice is used when the tenant wants to give notice to the landlord that the landlord is breaching a term of the lease or the state legislation and that the premises is not being maintained properly.An Intent to Vacate Notice is used when the tenant (under a fixed term) wants to give notice to the landlord that the tenant plans to vacate the premises at the end of the notice period.A Termination Notice is used when the tenant wants to give notice to the landlord that the tenant has elected to terminate a lease with a periodic tenancy or for various reasons such as landlord failed to repair the premises within a reasonable time after a repair notice was delivered on the landlord; death of one of the tenants; tenant is military personnel; or tenant moving to seniors' home.

Your Termination by Tenant

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DATE OF NOTICE: 6th day of October, 2024

LANDLORD NAME: _____________________

PREMISES ADDRESS: ________________________________________


  1. Pursuant to a written lease dated  October 6, 2024, I am the Tenant for the premises described as: ________________________________________ (the "Premises"), of which I now hold possession.
  2. The Premises require certain repairs that are the Landlord's responsibility; namely: ______________________________________________________________________________

  3. You are required to perform these repairs within a reasonable time after receipt of this Notice. If you do not perform the said repairs within a reasonable time period after receipt of this Notice, I may terminate my Lease as the said repairs materially affect my health or safety.
  4. This Notice of Repair is given pursuant to the Lease and the applicable laws of  the State of Ohio and in no way impairs or limits any of the other remedies or rights that I may have under the Lease or under the said laws.

Tenant's Name:_____________________

Contact Phone Number

Landlord's Name:_____________________

Contact Address


I, the undersigned, AFFIRM AND DECLARE under penalty of perjury that:

  1. I am at least 18 years of age.
  2. I served a true copy of this Notice to Repair, on _____________________ (the Landlord") as follows:

[   ] On _______________ ____, 20___  I personally handed this Notice to Repair to _____________________, the Landlord.

[   ] On _______________ ____, 20___  I personally handed this Notice to Repair to ___________________, one of the Landlord's agents.

[   ] On _______________ ____, 20___  I sent by   [    ] first class   [   ] certified   [   ] registered  mail a true copy of this Notice to Repair to the landlord address for service provided in the Lease.  Certified/Registered item # _________________________.

[   ] On___________________________________________________________________________________


SWORN BEFORE ME at the city of ________________,  in the State of Ohio this 6th day of October, 2024


A Notary Public for
The State of Ohio
My Commission Expires __________.

Signature :  _______________________________

Print Name: _______________________________

Last Updated October 16, 2023

Tenant Notices

Tenant notices are used by the tenant to serve notice to the landlord in some circumstances, which allow the tenant and landlord to communicate effectively over lease terminations and repair requests.

What is a Notice to Repair?

A Notice to Repair is a form the tenant can use to inform the property owner or manager that the landlord has either violated the lease agreement or that they have not properly maintained the property.

It details the required repairs to the landlord and gives the tenant the option to exit the lease if the repairs are not made by a certain date.

Who needs a Notice to Repair: Any tenant whose landlord has breached the lease terms or has not maintained the rental property to state health and safety standards may want to use this form to let his or her landlord know that the issue is still ongoing.

What is a Notice of Intent to Vacate?

A Notice of Intent to Vacate is what the tenant would use when he or she wants to let the landlord know that he or she plans to leave the rental property at the end of the lease term.

Who needs a Notice of Intent to Vacate Premises: Any tenant planning to vacate the property once the existing lease term is up should use this form to confirm that the landlord is aware of the intended departure and that the notice has been acknowledged. The tenant should ensure that the proper amount of notice is given depending on the rental terms.

What is a Notice of Termination?

A Notice of Termination is used by the tenant to inform the landlord that he or she wishes to exit the lease.

This notice can be issued for a number of reasons, including no response from the landlord to a notice of repair, or even the tenant moving due to employment.

Who needs a Notice of Termination: A tenant who wishes to exit the lease before the term has expired, for whatever reason, should use this notice to inform the landlord and provide written confirmation of their intention to leave the premises.

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Tenant Notices

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