Free Power of Attorney for Child

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Power of Attorney for Child

Revocation and Termination

Revocation and Termination

Frequently Asked Questions
How and when does a Power of Attorney for Child end?A Power of Attorney for Child will end upon any of the following happening:
  • when the delegating parent or guardian dies;
  • when the Power of Attorney for Child is revoked by the delegating parent or guardian with notice of revocation to the Attorney-in-fact (depending on your state, this may be required to be in writing);
  • when the Attorney-in-fact resigns;
  • when the end date occurs, or the period stated within the Power of Attorney for Child is at an end;
  • when the time limit imposed by legislation is reached;
  • when the child reaches the age of 18; or
  • when a court order is made regarding the care or custody of the child.
What is the time limit imposed by legislation in my state?The parent or guardian may delegate parental powers for no longer than 180 days at a time; or, if the parent or guardian is a military member, no longer than the term of active duty service plus 30 days afterward.Do I need to compensate my Attorney-in-fact?No, an Attorney-in-fact may NOT be compensated.

Your Power of Attorney for Child

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Power of Attorney for Child
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1. I certify that I am the parent or legal custodian of:

(Full name of minor child)
January 20, 2025
(Date of birth)

2. I designate ____________________ of ___________________________, ___________________ as the attorney-in-fact of each child listed above.

3. I delegate to the attorney-in-fact all of my power and authority regarding the care, custody, and property of each minor child named above, including the right to enroll the child in school, the right to inspect and obtain copies of education records and other records concerning the child, the right to attend school activities and other functions concerning the child, and the right to give or withhold any consent or waiver with respect to school activities, medical and dental treatment, and any other activity, function, or treatment that may concern the child. This delegation shall not include the power or authority to consent to marriage or adoption of the child, the performance or inducement of an abortion on or for the child, or the termination of parental rights to the child. I understand that this power of attorney shall not operate to change or modify any parental or legal rights, obligations, or authority established by an existing court order or deprive a parent or legal custodian of any parental or legal rights, obligations, or authority regarding the custody, visitation, or support of any child under Title 20 of the Code of Virginia, and I understand that I shall continue to be bound by any obligations in such order. By my signature below, I hereby certify that I am not executing this power of attorney for any unlawful purpose or for the primary purpose of enrolling my child in a school for the sole purpose of participating in the academic or interscholastic athletics programs provided by that school.
I/We delegate to the attorney-in-fact the following specific powers and responsibilities:

This delegation shall not include the power or authority to consent to marriage or adoption of the child, the performance or inducement of an abortion on or for the child, or the termination of parental rights to the child. I/We understand that this power of attorney shall not operate to change or modify any parental or legal rights, obligations, or authority established by an existing court order or deprive a parent or legal custodian of any parental or legal rights, obligations, or authority regarding the custody, visitation, or support of any child under Title 20 of the Code of Virginia, and I/we understand that I/we shall continue to be bound by any obligations in such order. By my/our signature below, I/we hereby certify that I/we am/are not executing this power of attorney for any unlawful purpose or for the primary purpose of enrolling my/our child/children in a school for the sole purpose of participating in the academic or interscholastic athletics programs provided by that school.

4. This power of attorney is effective for a period not to exceed 180 days, beginning January 20, 2025 and ending January 20, 2025. I  reserve the right to revoke this authority at any time.
I/We am/are a service member, as defined by § 20-166 of the Code of Virginia, and am/are on, or am/are scheduled to be on, active duty for a period that is set to last longer than 180 days. This power of attorney is effective for a period not to exceed the period of active duty plus 30 days, beginning __________ (insert date) and ending __________ (insert date). I/We reserve the right to revoke this authority at any time.

Signature of parent/legal custodian, ____________________: ________________________

The remainder of this document will be available when you have purchased a license.

Related Documents:

  • Child Medical Consent: Authorize a caregiver to manage your child’s medical care without the authority to control non-medical decisions, such as education-related ones.
  • Child Travel Consent: If your child is traveling without you, document your consent to their trip so they can travel seamlessly.
  • Power of Attorney: Appoint someone to make financial or property decisions on your behalf.
  • Revocation of Power of Attorney: Cancel or revoke a Power of Attorney at any time, even if the Power of Attorney has a specified end date.
  • Last Will and Testament: Protect your family after you’re gone by appointing a guardian for your minor children and dividing your assets.
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Power of Attorney for Child

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