Free Model and Entertainment Release

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Model and Entertainment Release


Illustration of a photograph partially overlayed by a play button
Camera illustration
Video camera illustration

Your Model and Entertainment Release

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THIS MODEL RELEASE (the "Agreement") is made and entered into this ________ day of ________________, ________ (the "Execution Date"),


Name: ____________________ of
Address: ____________________, _______________, _______________ __________
Email: _______________
Phone: _______________
(the "Artist")



  Model Name ________________________________________
  Street Address ________________________________________
  City, State, ZIP code ________________________________________
  Email ________________________________________
  Phone ________________________________________

(the "Model")



  1. The Artist may choose or is currently engaged in the business of creating media, which includes but is not limited to engaging in the following activities for personal and commercial gain:
    • filming, film/video editing, and film/video production; photography, photo editing, and photo production; digital photography, digital photo editing, and digital photo production; documentary production and editing; sound recordings; sound manipulation and music productions; television production; and web design and production.
  2. The Model consents to being a subject of the Artist in media. The Model will allow the Artist to capture images and sound recordings for use in media.  


The remainder of this document will be available when you have purchased a license.

Last Updated December 11, 2023

What is a Model and Entertainment Release?

A Model and Entertainment Release is a document used to grant creative rights from a model to an artist.

For example, a stock photographer may hire a model to pose in pictures. By signing a Model Release, the model gives the photographer all rights to the image and permission to use their image.

A Model Release should be used whenever an artist is using a model as the subject in photo or video content for online or offline use. This includes:

  • Stock photography
  • Clothing and jewelry modeling
  • Radio and TV commercials
  • Online and print advertisements

A Model and Entertainment Release is also known as a/an:

  • Model Release
  • Model Release Form
  • Standard Model Release
  • Artist Release Form
  • Photography Model Release Form

Who are the parties in a Model Release?

There are two parties in a Model Release: the artist and the model.

The artist is the individual or corporation who will be using the model's voice or image to promote, represent, or sell a product or service. The artist is the party that must have permission to use the model's likeness.

The model is the individual who is representing a product or service either on TV, online, in a piece of art, in print, or in audio. The model is the party who must give permission for their likeness to be used for profit.

What is the difference between a Blank and a Specific Model Release?

A blank Model Release is a document that can be used for various models at different times. It does not include specific information about the model but must still be signed by both parties involved.

It includes details about the model, specifics about their age (like if they are a minor), and the signing date and location.

Related Documents:

Sample Model and Entertainment Release


Model and Entertainment Release

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