Free Affidavit

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Statement of Facts

Statement of Facts

What facts are you stating to be true?


e.g. I, Robin Kim Brown, am creating this Affidavit as a witness to the pertaining dispute and to confirm I started working at ABC Company on January 7, 2022 with the Plaintiff.

How should I write my statement of facts?

Provide a brief background about yourself and the reasons you are making the statement. Remember to:

        •  Write facts, not opinions.

        •  Write one fact per paragraph.

        •  List facts chronologically.

        •  Write facts as "I" statements.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I include other documents with my Affidavit?When you want to refer to an additional document in your statement you can:

  • Refer to the document in the fact paragraph where it is applicable and assign it an exhibit number. The first additional document mentioned in the Affidavit would be labeled as "Exhibit A”; the next as “Exhibit B”; and so on. (e.g. “The partners of ABC Ltd. entered into a partnership agreement on May 23, 2020. The partnership agreement is attached and marked as “Exhibit A”.); and

  • Label the document with the assigned exhibit number (e.g. "Exhibit A") and staple it to your printed Affidavit.

Your Affidavit

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(Court Level and Jurisdiction)


(Case I.D. Number)









I, ____________________, of ____________________, in ____________________ County, Virginia, MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT:

The remainder of this document will be available when you have purchased a license.

Related Documents:

  • Last Will and Testament: express your end-of-life wishes and how your estate should be distributed after you pass away
  • Power of Attorney: grant another person the authority to make decisions on your behalf regarding finances, business, and more
  • Revocation of Power of Attorney: revokes power that was granted to another person by means of a Power of Attorney
  • Letter of Intent: outline negotiated terms for a future, binding agreement
  • Release: prevent future legal action by waiving a potential claim in exchange for money or another form of consideration
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