Free Employment Contract

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Employment Contract

Additional Clauses

Additional Clauses

Frequently Asked Questions
The Employer, the Employee, Commencement Date, Probationary Period, Compensation, Confidential Information, etc. were defined in this Employment Contract. Try to use any such defined names in your additional clauses.

Do not use several names to refer to the same person or thing. It could cause confusion and ambiguity by seeming that you are introducing new or different people or items.

Do not use pronouns such as: they, us, we, our, you, or me. Pronouns may be ambiguous and can cause confusion.
Do not abbreviate words.

Use numerals, not words, to denote amounts.

Try not to repeat or contradict what has already been stated in the employment agreement.

Only put one paragraph per additional clause.
Plain English means language that is simple and conveys ideas with the greatest possible clarity and avoids using legalese.

Legalistic StylePlain English
at the present time now
due to the fact that because; since
during such time aswhile
for the duration ofduring
inasmuch asbecause; since
in the event thatif
notwithstanding the fact that although; even if
prior to before
pursuant to under; in accordance with
subsequent toafter
that certaina
with reference toabout

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Last Updated January 7, 2025

Related Documents:

  • Employment Offer Letter: Use an Employment Offer Letter to extend an employment offer, including conditions like start date and hourly rate, to a potential new hire.
  • Employment Termination Letter: Send an Employment Termination Letter to an employee to formally advise them that they've been terminated from their position.
  • Employee Evaluation: Create an Employee Evaluation to review an employee’s performance and advise them of any areas for improvement.
  • Resignation Letter: Send a Resignation Letter to an employer to formally advise them that you will be ending your employment with their company.
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Employment Contract

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