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Search results for: licensing agreement in category "USA Full Site"

27 results found containing all search terms. 56 results found containing some search terms.

17 pages of results.
Legal Documents
A Hold-Harmless (Indemnity) Agreement allows one party to protect another party against any future losses or claims that may result from a particular activity.
Vehicle Lease Agreement Template (US) | LawDepot [USA Contracts] [USA Full Site]
A Vehicle Leasing Agreement is used when an owner (lessor) rents a vehicle to another person (lessee) for a fixed term period.
A Joint Venture Agreement creates a business arrangement between two or more parties who agree to combine resources for a limited time to accomplish a particular project or goal.
A Contract Addendum, Amendment, or Amending Agreement is used to make alterations to existing legal contracts or agreements. The original document remains in effect, but one or more changes are made to the terms of the agreement.
Free Compensation Agreement Form (US) | LawDepot [USA Contracts] [USA Full Site]
A Compensation Agreement is a contract between an employer and an employee to set or change the wage or salary of that employee.
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