An End-User License Agreement legally protects the owners’ intellectual property rights by setting terms for the use of the product. An EULA provides guidelines for the use of the software, limiting users’ ability to copy, modify, and redistribute the program.
An EULA will also restrict users from reverse engineering the product, which helps the owner maintain copyright, preventing and protecting from copyright infringement.
EULAs are unique because they are contracts that can cross borders and be enforceable in other areas. Laws vary by jurisdiction, so vendors should consider how different jurisdictions uphold software license agreements.
LawDepot’s End-User License Agreement template contains a customizable term for governing law. By signing the EULA, users agree to abide by the law and court rulings of the jurisdiction that governs the agreement. This means that by choosing the state where your company is located, you can decide which state law will govern the agreement and the user.