Free Shareholder Loan Agreement

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Shareholder Loan Agreement

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Shareholder Loan Agreement?A Shareholder Loan Agreement is an enforceable agreement where a shareholder of a corporation is lending money to that corporation.When should I use a Shareholder Loan Agreement?Use a Shareholder Loan Agreement when you want a legally enforceable agreement that lays out the terms of a loan, such as the amount, payment terms, or other conditions.

Your Shareholder Loan Agreement

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THIS SHAREHOLDER LOAN AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") dated this ________ day of ________________, ________


_______________________________ of __________
(the "Shareholder")



_______________________________ of __________
(the "Corporation")



  1. The Corporation is duly incorporated in the State of Ohio.
  2. The Shareholder holds shares in the Corporation and agrees to loan certain monies to the Corporation.

IN CONSIDERATION OF the Shareholder providing the Loan to the Corporation, and the Corporation repaying the Loan to the Shareholder, both parties agree to keep, perform, and fulfill the promises, conditions and agreements below:

  1. Loan Amount & Interest
  2. The Shareholder promises to loan _______________________ ($ ____________) USD to the Corporation (the "Loan") and the Corporation promises to repay this principal amount to the Shareholder at such address as may be provided in writing, with interest payable on the unpaid principal at the rate of __________ percent per annum, calculated yearly not in advance.
  3. Payment
  4. The Loan is repayable in full on September 1, 2024.
  5. At any time while not in default under this Agreement, the Corporation may pay the outstanding balance then owing under this Agreement to the Shareholder without further bonus or penalty.
  6. Default
  7. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, if the Corporation defaults in the performance of any obligation under this Agreement, then the Shareholder may declare the principal amount owing under this Agreement at that time to be immediately due and payable.
  8. Further, if the Shareholder declares the principal amount owing under this Agreement to be immediately due and payable, and the Corporation fails to provide full payment, interest in the amount of __________ percent, calculated yearly not in advance, will be charged on the outstanding amount, commencing the day the principle amount is declared due and payable, until full payment is received by the Shareholder.
  9. Governing Law
  10. This Agreement will be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Ohio.
  11. Costs
  12. All costs, expenses and expenditures including, and without limitation, the complete legal costs incurred by enforcing this Agreement as a result of any default by the Corporation, will be added to the principal then outstanding and will immediately be paid by the Corporation.
  13. Assignment
  14. This Agreement will pass to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the Corporation. The Corporation waives presentment for payment, notice of non-payment, protest, and notice of protest.
  15. Amendments
  16. This Agreement may only be amended or modified by a written instrument executed by both the Corporation and the Shareholder.
  17. Severability
  18. The clauses and paragraphs contained in this Agreement are intended to be read and construed independently of each other. If any part of this Agreement is held to be invalid, this invalidity will not affect the operation of any other part of this Agreement.
  19. General Provisions
  20. Headings are inserted for the convenience of the parties only and are not to be considered when interpreting this Agreement. Words in the singular mean and include the plural and vice versa. Words in the masculine mean and include the feminine and vice versa.
  21. Entire Agreement
  22. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and there are no further items or provisions, either oral or otherwise.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly affixed their signatures under hand and seal on this ________ day of ________________, ________



Per: ___________________________ (Seal)



Last Updated October 12, 2023

What is a Shareholder Loan Agreement?

A Shareholder Loan Agreement, sometimes called a stockholder loan agreement, is an enforceable agreement between a shareholder and a corporation that details the terms of a loan (like the repayment schedule and interest rates) when a corporation borrows money from or owes money to a shareholder.

Having a written Loan Agreement is a good way to keep a record of a loan and to clearly detail the obligations of each party in the agreement, as well as any other terms or conditions. The Shareholder Loan Agreement is essentially evidence of the debt of a corporation to its shareholders.

For example, if a shareholder is an employee and is owed wages from the corporation, the parties could use a shareholder loan agreement to detail those amounts owed.

A Shareholder Loan Agreement is also known as a:

  • Stockholder Loan Agreement
  • Shareholder Loan to Corporation

How do I write a Shareholder Loan Agreement?

Similar to a standard Loan Agreement, a Shareholder Loan Agreement should include:

  • A payment schedule (the manner in which the debt is repaid, e.g. a lump sum on a specific date or scheduled regular payments over a period of time)
  • The loan amount (including details about interest, if applicable)
  • Shareholder details (name and address)
  • Corporation details (name and address)
  • Collateral (if applicable)
  • Default details (e.g. increased interest rate if the corporation fails to repay on time)
  • Signing details (date and witness signatures, if applicable)

What can a company use as collateral?

Collateral ensures that you'll receive compensation if the corporation defaults on the loan or fails to make payments. It's common to use collateral when a large sum is being loaned or if there's a high risk that the company will default.

Some things commonly used as collateral to secure loans are:

  • Business inventory (any materials or stock used by and for the business)
  • Equipment (any special equipment or machinery used in the running of the business)
  • Accounts receivable (the value of any services that the corporation gets after billing clients)

It should be noted that without securing collateral as part of the Loan Agreement, you'll have to go to court to seize any corporate assets.

Also, it might be a good idea to select collateral that, when liquidated, covers the outstanding debt in the event of something unforeseen like the corporation going bankrupt.

Related Documents:

  • Corporate Guarantee: a contract where a corporate guarantor takes on responsibility for the debt of another individual or corporation if they default on a debt to a third party
  • Indemnity Agreement: an agreement used by one party to protect another from any unforeseen liabilities, losses, claims, or damages over the course of their involvement in a particular activity
  • Letter of Intent: a non-binding letter used by individuals or groups of individuals to detail an understanding of a future agreement
  • Promissory Note: an enforceable agreement for a borrower to pay back money loaned by a lender
  • Share Purchase Agreement: an agreement used when an individual or corporation wants to buy shares from another shareholder of a corporation
  • Share Repurchase Agreement: an agreement used when a corporation wants to buy back shares from a shareholder
  • Shareholder Agreement: a contract between a shareholder and a corporation that details the shareholder's rights and responsibilities, share valuation, and more
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Shareholder Loan Agreement

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