Legal Forms & Legal Documents

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  • Activity Waiver Form
    An Activity or Sports Waiver releases the party providing the activity from liability claims from participants. Protect your company & create your waiver now.
  • Acuerdo de Confidencialidad
    Un Acuerdo de Confidencialidad es utilizado para proteger información sensible que es compartida entre dos partes, prohibiendo su divulgación a terceros
  • Acuerdo de No Divulgación
    Un Acuerdo de No Divulgación es un contrato que se utiliza en situaciones donde se intercambia información confidencial o sensible entre diferentes partes, prohibiendo su revelación a terceros y protegiendo su privacidad
  • Adenda al Contrato de Arrendamiento
    Una Adenda al Contrato de Arrendamiento se utiliza para añadir información a un contrato de arrendamiento existente. Por ejemplo, cambiar las condiciones del alquiler o la duración del plazo. El contrato original seguirá en vigor, pero con las modificaciones incluidas en la Adenda.
  • Affidavit
    An Affidavit is a sworn written statement made before an official or anyone who may legally administer an oath.
  • Amending Agreement
    A Contract Addendum, Amendment, or Amending Agreement is used to make alterations to existing legal contracts or agreements. The original document remains in effect, but one or more changes are made to the terms of the agreement.
  • Amortization Schedule
    An Amortization Schedule outlines the amount of time it will take to pay off a debt, such as a loan or mortgage, by calculating and listing the amount of interest and principal that make up each payment.
  • Anexo al Contrato de Arrendamiento
    Un Anexo al Contrato de Arrendamiento se utiliza para introducir cambios en un contrato de arrendamiento existente. Por ejemplo, cambiar las condiciones del alquiler o la duración del plazo. El contrato original seguirá en vigor, pero con las modificaciones incluidas en el Anexo.
  • Articles of Incorporation
    Articles of Incorporation are documents that are filed with the government to legally form a corporation.
  • Assignment
    An Assignment Agreement may be used to transfer property, rights, or obligations to another party.
  • Assignment of Partnership Interest
    An Assignment of Partnership Interest Agreement transfers partnership interest from one party to another to the extent permitted by the Partnership Agreement.
  • Assignment of Trade Name
    An Assignment of Trade Name legally transfers all the rights of a trade name from one individual to another.
  • Aviso de Desalojo
    Un Aviso de Desalojo es enviado por el arrendador al inquilino. Ofrece la posibilidad de desalojar al inquilino solucionando problemas.


  • Band Partnership Agreement
    A Band Partnership Agreement establishes the rules for being in a band, including the rights and responsibilities of each member.
  • Bill of Sale
    A Bill of Sale acts as a sales receipt and transfers ownership of an item from a seller to a buyer.
  • Board Resolution
    A Directors' Resolution can be used to record minutes at a director meeting or to describe director resolutions in lieu of a corporate meeting.
  • Building Contract
    A Service Agreement outlines the terms of a given service between a service provider and customer.
  • Business Plan
    A Business Plan is a comprehensive proposal that outlines a business's challenges and opportunities as well as its marketing, financial, and management plans.
  • Business Plan o Plan de Negocio
    Un Business Plan es un documento detallado que define los objetivos de una empresa, las estrategias para alcanzarlos, y el tiempo estimado para lograrlos. Incluye análisis de mercado, planificación financiera, estructura organizacional y estrategias de marketing.


  • Carta de Renuncia
    Una Carta de Renuncia es un documento a través del cual un trabajador notifica a su patrón o empleador que renuncia a su puesto de trabajo de manera voluntaria.
  • Carta Poder
    Proteja sus intereses con una Carta de Poder. Designe a quien quiera para que adopte decisiones en su nombre (financieras, inmobiliarias, comerciales, etc.) cuando usted no pueda actuar por sí mismo.
  • Catering Contract
    A Catering Contract is a service agreement used when catering services are provided by a caterer to a customer. The agreement covers compensation and event details.
  • Cease & Desist Letter
    A Cease and Desist Letter is used to order another individual or company to stop an action or behavior, such as copyright violation or debt collection, and to refrain from doing it in the future.
  • Certificate of Incumbency
    A Certificate of Incumbency is used to confirm the identity of the officers of a corporation. It may also be used to confirm the names of directors and shareholders, or to verify minute book contents.
  • Certificate of Proof of Execution by a Subscribing Witness
    A Certificate of Proof of Execution is a sworn statement by witnesses of a contract verifying that they were present at the signing of a legal document and it was executed properly.
  • Child Care Contract
    A Child Care Contract is used when a child care provider is hired to care for a child on a contractual basis.
  • Child Medical Consent
    A Child Medical Consent is a document where a parent or guardian grants permission to a caregiver or other person to make medical decisions for a child.
  • Child Travel Consent
    A Child Travel Consent is a letter of parental permission for a minor child to travel with one parent, a group, another person, or alone.
  • Child Visitation Letter
    A Child Visitation Letter is used to plan a visit with your child or to inform the child's other parent that they are not following the visitation agreement.
  • Cleaning Services Agreement
    A Cleaning Services Agreement spells out the terms and conditions of cleaning services offered by a cleaning company to a customer.
  • Codicil
    A Codicil modifies, removes, or adds clauses to an existing Last Will and Testament.
  • Cohabitation Agreement
    A Cohabitation Agreement is used by couples who are not legally married, but want to live together in a shared residence. It addresses property, debts, and other details in order to protect each individual's interests in the event the relationship comes to an end.
  • Commercial Eviction Notice
    Commercial Lease Notices inform tenants of eviction, issues to resolve, or lease termination.
  • Commercial Lease Agreement
    A Commercial Lease Agreement creates a commercial tenancy between a landlord and business tenant.
  • Commercial Lease Application
    A Commercial Lease Application is used by landlords, lessees, and property managers to collect information on potential business tenants prior to leasing commercial property.
  • Commercial Lease Notices
    Commercial Lease Notices inform tenants of eviction, issues to resolve, or lease termination.
  • Commercial Lease Termination Notice
    Commercial Lease Notices inform tenants of eviction, issues to resolve, or lease termination.
  • Commercial Lease Warning Notice
    Commercial Lease Notices inform tenants of eviction, issues to resolve, or lease termination.
  • Commercial Sublease Agreement
    A Commercial Sublease Agreement is used when the original tenant wishes to transfer the remaining lease obligations under a commercial tenancy to a subtenant.
  • Common Law Partner Agreement
    A Common Law Partner Agreement is used by couples who live together but are not legally married. It outlines shared and separate property and debts, as well as other details to protect the interests of each individual should the relationship come to an end.
  • Compensation Agreement
    A Compensation Agreement is a contract between an employer and an employee to set or change the wage or salary of that employee.
  • Complaint Letter
    A Complaint Letter is a formal letter written by an individual to state their dissatisfaction with a product or service.
  • Computer Services Agreement
    A Computer Services Agreement is a written contract used when a provider is offering computer-based services to a customer, such as repairs, updates, or installations.
  • Confidentiality Agreement
    A Confidentiality Agreement is used to protect sensitive information shared between two parties by prohibiting the disclosure of this information to an outside source.
  • Consentimiento Médico para Niños
    Utilice un Consentimiento Médico para Niños para conceder autoridad legal al tutor o cuidador temporal de su hijo. Con esta autoridad el tutor o cuidador podrá consentir ciertos tratamientos médicos sobre su hijo cuando los padres no estén disponibles.
  • Consent to Action Without Meeting
    A Directors' Resolution can be used to record minutes at a director meeting or to describe director resolutions in lieu of a corporate meeting.
  • Consent to be Director and Officer
    A Consent to be Director and Officer is completed when a corporate director or officer is first appointed.
  • Construction Contract
    A Service Agreement outlines the terms of a given service between a service provider and customer.
  • Consulting Agreement
    A Consulting Agreement is a contract involving a consultant and a client, where the consultant offers their services to the client in exchange for compensation.
  • Contract Addendum
    A Contract Addendum, Amendment, or Amending Agreement is used to make alterations to existing legal contracts or agreements. The original document remains in effect, but one or more changes are made to the terms of the agreement.
  • Contract Amendment
    A Contract Addendum, Amendment, or Amending Agreement is used to make alterations to existing legal contracts or agreements. The original document remains in effect, but one or more changes are made to the terms of the agreement.
  • Contract for Deed
    A Land Contract (or Contract for Deed) is a contract between a seller and buyer of real estate, where the seller provides the financing for the purchase of the property.
  • Contrato de Alquiler de Equipo
    Un Contrato de Alquiler de Equipo es utilizando cuando el propietario de un equipo quiere alquilar este equipo (por ejemplo, maquinaria, ordenadores u otros aparatos electrónicos) a un tercero (el arrendatario) durante un plazo de tiempo determinado.
  • Contrato de Arrendamiento de Vivienda
    Un Contrato de Arrendamiento de Vivienda describe los términos acordados entre arrendador e inquilino en relación con el alquiler de una vivienda.
  • Contrato de Catering
    Un Contrato de Catering se utiliza cuando un cliente encarga un servicio de catering a un proveedor de catering. Incluye la remuneración a pagar y los detalles del evento.
  • Contrato de Compraventa
    Un Contrato de Compraventa establece los términos y condiciones de una compraventa en virtud de la cual un vendedor se compromete a vender algo que el comprador se compromete a comprar.
  • Contrato de Consultoría
    Un Contrato de Consultoría es un contrato en donde un consultor ofrece sus servicios de consultoría a un cliente a cambio de una remuneración económica.
  • Contrato de Contratista Independiente
    Un Contrato de Contratista Independiente es un contrato que detalla los términos y condiciones de una relación de trabajo entre un contratista independiente y un cliente.
  • Contrato de Limpieza
    Un Contrato de Limpieza detalla las condiciones de un servicio de limpieza ofrecido por una empresa a un cliente.
  • Contrato de Niñera
    Un Contrato de Niñera se utiliza cuando se quiere contratar a una persona para cuidar niños.
  • Contrato de Prestación de Servicios
    Un Contrato de Prestación de Servicios describe los términos y condiciones de un determinado servicio que un proveedor presta a un cliente.
  • Contrato de Préstamo
    Un Contrato de Préstamo establece los términos y condiciones de un préstamo entre particulares, empresas o entre un particular y una empresa.
  • Contrato de Servicios Informáticos
    Un Contrato de Servicios Informáticos es un contrato que se utiliza cuando un proveedor ofrece servicios informáticos a un cliente, tales como reparaciones, actualizaciones, mantenimiento o instalaciones.
  • Contrato de Trabajo
    Un Contrato de Trabajo establece los términos y condiciones de empleo entre un empleador y un trabajador.
  • Corporate Bylaws
    Corporate Bylaws are rules that govern the internal management of a corporation, including corporate meetings, voting requirements, and responsibilities of officers.
  • Corporate Resolution
    A Directors' Resolution can be used to record minutes at a director meeting or to describe director resolutions in lieu of a corporate meeting.
  • Cover Letter
    A Cover Letter is used to inform potential employers of the position you are applying for and why your application is worth consideration.


  • Declaración Jurada - Affidavit
    Una Declaración Jurada o Affidavit es una declaración escrita realizada bajo juramento ante un oficial o tercero legalmente autorizado para ello.
  • Deed of Reconveyance
    A Deed of Reconveyance is a document which transfers the legal title of property back to the borrower from the trustee when a debt secured by a Deed of Trust is fully paid.
  • Deed of Trust
    A Deed of Trust allows a borrower to transfer the legal title of a property to a trustee, who holds it as security for the repayment of debt to the lender.
  • Demand Letter
    A Demand Letter is sent out to request payment or action, which is in default, from another party. It describes the payment or action that is being claimed and how it should be resolved.
  • Digital Image License
    A Digital Image License allows you to outline how a customer may use your digital images.
  • Directors' Organizational Meeting
    A Directors' Organizational Meeting document records the initial resolutions and actions of the directors to organize the corporation.
  • Directors' Resolution
    A Directors' Resolution can be used to record minutes at a director meeting or to describe director resolutions in lieu of a corporate meeting.
  • Domestic Partnership Agreement
    A Domestic Partnership Agreement is a written agreement between parties who live together in a shared residence which governs their rights and obligations.


  • Early Termination of Lease
    An Early Termination of Lease can be used to terminate a tenancy by mutual consent prior to the lease end.
  • Emergency Plan
    An Emergency Plan ensures everyone in your household knows what to do in case of an emergency or disaster.
  • Employee Evaluation
    An Employee Evaluation is used by employers to assess employee job performance.
  • Employee Handbook
    An Employee Handbook details information about the company's mission, policies and benefits. This essential manual is a valuable resource for both the employer and the employee and helps clarify expectations for all parties in the organization.
  • Employee Privacy Policy
    An Employee Privacy Policy outlines employee privacy rights and when and where personal information can be disclosed.
  • Employee Warning Letter
    An employer issues an Employee Warning Letter to an employee who has violated workplace rules. The letter describes the infraction, consequences, and areas for improvement.
  • Employment Contract
    An Employment Contract sets out employment terms, conditions, and expectations between an employer and employee.
  • Employment Offer Letter
    An Employment Offer Letter is used by an employer to formally present a job opportunity to a new employee. The letter includes employment details, such as start date, compensation, job responsibilities, and other employment terms or preconditions.
  • Employment Termination Letter
    An Employment Termination Letter formally advises an employee that his or her employment has been terminated.
  • End-of-Life Plan
    Provide your loved ones with clear instructions for your funeral, remains, services, and more with an End-of-Life Plan.
  • End User License Agreement (EULA)
    An End User License Agreement (EULA), also known as a Software Agreement, is a contract between a licensor and user and outlines the software rights of the user.
  • Equipment Rental Agreement
    An Equipment Lease Agreement is used when an owner (lessor) rents out equipment (machinery, electronics etc.) to another person (lessee) for a specific time period.
  • Eviction Notice
    Landlord notices are given by a landlord to a tenant. They provide the option to evict a tenant, give the tenant an opportunity to resolve an issue, or notify of a rent increase.


  • Factura de Venta
    Una Factura de Venta permite transmitir la propiedad de un objeto desde una persona o empresa a otra.
  • Financial Statement (Personal)
    A Personal Financial Statement is a document that organizes and presents an individual's current financial situation.


  • Gift Deed
    A Gift Deed is a document that allows you to give away certain items that have sentimental or monetary value to other individuals without compensation.


  • Health Care Directive
    Use a Living Will and Medical Power of Attorney to specify the types of treatments you consent to and appoint someone to make decisions for you, should you become unable to act for yourself.
  • Hold-Harmless (Indemnity) Agreement
    A Hold-Harmless (Indemnity) Agreement allows one party to protect another party against any future losses or claims that may result from a particular activity.


  • Incorporation
    Incorporating sets up your business with its own rights and liabilities that are distinct from its owners. Create your Articles of Incorporation for any state within minutes.
  • Incorporators' Organizational Meeting
    An Incorporators' Organizational Meeting document records the initial resolutions and actions of incorporators to organize the corporation.
  • Independent Contractor Agreement
    An Independent Contractor Agreement is a written contract that spells out the terms of a working relationship between an independent contractor and a customer.
  • Influencer Contract
    An Influencer Contract outlines the terms and conditions between a company and an influencer. This agreement details compensation, requirements involving post type and frequency, and the length of the contract.
  • Invoice Form
    An Invoice Form is issued by a seller to a buyer, providing a record of goods sold or services rendered and the amount due for each.


  • Joint Venture Agreement
    A Joint Venture Agreement is a contract between at least two business entities or individuals entering into a temporary business relationship to achieve a project or goal.
  • Just-In-Case Instructions
    Compile your personal, legal, and financial information with Just-In-Case Instructions. Having a single document for quick reference helps family or friends handle your affairs in case of an emergency.


  • Land Contract
    A Land Contract (or Contract for Deed) is a contract between a seller and buyer of real estate, where the seller provides the financing for the purchase of the property.
  • Landlord's Consent to Lease Assignment
    A Landlord's Consent to Lease Assignment is a form of written permission provided by the landlord in order for the original tenant to transfer all rights and obligations of the lease to a new tenant.
  • Landlord's Consent to Sublease
    A Landlord's Consent to Sublease is used when a tenant wishes to sublease the premises to a new tenant and requires the Landlord's written permission to do so.
  • Last Will and Testament
    Protect your assets and your loved ones with a Last Will and Testament. You can divide your property, choose a guardian for your children, and name someone to manage your estate.
  • Lease Addendum
    A Lease Amendment is used to make changes to existing lease. The original lease remains in effect, but one or more changes are made to the terms of the lease. In order for the Lease Amendment to be valid, it must be signed by all of the parties listed in the original lease.
  • Lease Amendment
    A Lease Amendment is used to make changes to an existing lease (e.g. changing the permitted use of property or term length). The original lease remains in effect, but with the amendments.
  • Lease Application
    A Residential Rental Application is used by landlords, lessees, and property managers to collect information on potential renters prior to leasing.
  • Lease Assignment Agreement
    A Lease Assignment Agreement is used when a tenant wishes to transfer the entire interest that they have in the property to a third party. The third party assumes the rights and responsibilities of the original lease.
  • Letter of Intent
    This Letter of Intent is a non-binding letter used by two or more parties to outline an understanding for a future agreement.
  • Letter of Recommendation
    A Letter of Recommendation is a written assessment of another person's abilities and character.
  • Liability Waiver
    A Release/Waiver Agreement, also known as a Settlement Agreement or Liability Waiver, is an enforceable promise not to proceed with a legal claim in exchange for money or other compensation.
  • Licensing Agreement
    A Licensing Agreement is used by artists and other intellectual property creators to allow another person to use their intellectual property in exchange for compensation, while retaining their rights to the property.
  • Lien Release
    A Lien Release removes a lien on a property after the lien claimant has been paid for their work.
  • Living Will
    Use a Living Will and Medical Power of Attorney to specify the types of treatments you consent to and appoint someone to make decisions for you, should you become unable to act for yourself.
  • LLC Articles of Organization
    LLC Articles of Organization is the legal paperwork for forming a limited liability company (LLC).
  • LLC Operating Agreement
    An LLC Operating Agreement is used to outline the rights and responsibilities of each LLC member and to establish other operational details for a limited liability company.
  • Loan Agreement
    A Loan Agreement sets out the terms of a loan between individuals, corporations, or between an individual and corporation.


  • Marketing Contract
    A Marketing Contract outlines the terms and conditions between the marketer and their client(s), including the scope of work, deliverables, timeline, and the compensation for the work.
  • Marriage Affidavit
    A Marriage Affidavit can be used as evidence of a person's marital status. This sworn statement allows you to verify under oath that you are married.
  • Mechanic's Lien
    A Mechanic's Lien creates a security interest in a property and is usually used by a builder or supplier to ensure they will be paid for their work or materials.
  • Medical Power of Attorney
    Use a Living Will and Medical Power of Attorney to specify the types of treatments you consent to and appoint someone to make decisions for you, should you become unable to act for yourself.
  • Medical Records Release
    A Medical Records Release authorizes the release of a patient's medical and health information to another physician, individual, or organization.
  • Memorandum of Understanding
    This Memorandum of Understanding provides a non-binding document for two or more parties to outline an understanding for a future agreement.
  • Minute Book Rights of Inspection
    A Minute Book Rights of Inspection sets out which corporate documents may be viewed and copied by directors, shareholders, creditors and the general public.
  • Minutes of Directors' Meeting
    A Directors' Resolution can be used to record minutes at a director meeting or to describe director resolutions in lieu of a corporate meeting.
  • Minutes of Shareholders' Meeting
    A Shareholders' Minutes of Meeting records decisions taken by a corporation at a meeting of its shareholders.
  • Model and Entertainment Release
    A Model and Entertainment Release is a contract in which the subject of a work (such as a photograph, video, or audio recording) consents to the commercial use of that work by a photographer, artist, or third party (such as a magazine or website).
  • Mortgage Agreement
    A Mortgage Agreement is used by a lender to secure a loan in the borrower's purchase of real estate.
  • Music Performance Contract
    A Performance Contract sets out the terms of a performance by an individual or group in a private or commercial venue.
  • Music Recording Contract
    A Music Recording Contract is a written agreement between a recording studio and artist, and addresses the recording terms, including production, compensation and royalties, exclusivity, and more.


  • New Hire Checklist
    A New Hire Checklist helps you create a personalized onboarding checklist for new remote, in-office, or hybrid employees to cover every step of preboarding, orientation, training and any other miscellaneous task.
  • Non-Compete Agreement
    A Non-Compete Agreement is a contract used to prevent exploitation of an unfair competitive advantage where sensitive information is exchanged between two parties.
  • Non-Disclosure Agreement
    A Non-Disclosure Agreement is a contract used to maintain privacy in agreements where sensitive information is exchanged between two parties.
  • Notice of Intent to Vacate Premises
    Tenant Notices are given to a landlord by a tenant, and include Notice of Intent to Vacate, Notice of Termination, and Notice to Repair.
  • Notice of Lease Violation
    Landlord notices are given by a landlord to a tenant. They provide the option to evict a tenant, give the tenant an opportunity to resolve an issue, or notify of a rent increase.
  • Notice of Termination
    Landlord notices are given by a landlord to a tenant. They provide the option to evict a tenant, give the tenant an opportunity to resolve an issue, or notify of a rent increase.
  • Notice of Withdrawal from Partnership
    A Notice of Withdrawal from Partnership can be used when a partner is withdrawing from a partnership for voluntary or involuntary reasons.
  • Notice To Enter
    A Notice To Enter is a written letter informing the tenant that the landlord or property manager will be entering the property in the near future.
  • Notice to Pay Rent or Quit
    Landlord notices are given by a landlord to a tenant. They provide the option to evict a tenant, give the tenant an opportunity to resolve an issue, or notify of a rent increase.
  • Notice to Quit
    Landlord notices are given by a landlord to a tenant. They provide the option to evict a tenant, give the tenant an opportunity to resolve an issue, or notify of a rent increase.
  • Notice to Repair
    Tenant Notices are given to a landlord by a tenant, and include Notice of Intent to Vacate, Notice of Termination, and Notice to Repair.


  • Offer to Lease
    An Offer to Lease is a formal letter or statement expressing your intent to rent commercial property.
  • Offer to Purchase Real Estate
    An Offer to Purchase Real Estate is a document that sets out the terms of a proposed real estate transaction between a buyer and seller.
  • One Page Business Plan
    Starting a new business? A One Page Business Plan succinctly outlines your company's goals and provides investors a clear view of your business idea.
  • Online Divorce Papers
    A divorce or annulment is used by two married people to legally dissolve their marriage.
  • Online Notary
    Secure and authenticate your document with online remote notarization. Get your documents legally notarized online in minutes from anywhere in the United States.


  • Pagaré
    Un Pagaré es una promesa vinculante de pago, mediante la cual un prestatario se obliga a devolver un préstamo o deuda a un prestamista.
  • Partnership Agreement
    A Partnership Agreement establishes the rights and responsibilities of general partners, and the rules in a for-profit partnership.
  • Partnership Amendment
    A Partnership Amendment is used to change terms in an existing Partnership Agreement.
  • Performance Contract
    A Performance Contract sets out the terms of a performance by an individual or group in a private or commercial venue.
  • Personal/Corporate Guarantee
    A Personal or Corporate Guarantee is a contract where an individual or corporation (guarantor) agrees to be responsible for the debt or obligations of another individual or corporation in the event the debtor defaults on its obligations owed to a third party, such as a lender, landlord or creditor.
  • Personal Care Profile
    A Personal Care Profile documents your interests, preferences, and key health information for current or future caregivers.
  • Personal Property Rental Agreement
    A Personal Property Rental Agreement is used when a lessor (owner) rents out personal property to a lessee (renter) for short or long-term use.
  • Pet Agreement
    A Pet Agreement is used to settle disputes when a relationship ends and the parties are co-owners of a pet(s).
  • Postnuptial Agreement
    A Postnuptial Agreement is a contract used by a married couple to sort out current and future financial and property matters in the event of a separation or divorce.
  • Pour-Over Will
    A Pour-Over Will is used if you have a Living Trust. Upon your death, a Pour-Over Will transfers any missed property to your Living Trust so that the property is distributed as specified in your Living Trust.
  • Power of Attorney
    Protect your interests with a Power of Attorney. Appoint someone to make your important financial, real estate, and business decisions if you are unable to act for yourself.
  • Power of Attorney for Child
    A Power of Attorney for Child allows parents of minor children to temporarily delegate their parental responsibilities to an agent while the parents are unavailable or incapacitated.
  • Prenuptial Agreement
    A Prenuptial Agreement is a contract used by two people who are about to marry and wish to sort out current and future financial and property matters prior to marriage.
  • Progressive Discipline Policy
    A Progressive Discipline Policy outlines unsuitable behavior and performance by employees in the workplace. It is given to employees when they are hired to help set clear expectations of what is expected of them.
  • Promissory Note
    A Promissory Note documents the borrower’s legally binding promise to repay a loan under certain terms and conditions.
  • Proof of Income Letter
    A Proof of Income Letter is an official document from an employer that confirms an employee's occupation and current salary.
  • Proposal Template
    A Proposal Template outlines your qualifications and cost estimate for the freelance job you’re bidding on.
  • Purchase Agreement
    A Purchase Agreement outlines the details of a transaction between a seller and purchaser.
  • Purchase of Business Agreement
    A Business Purchase Agreement is a contract that transfers a business entity from its owner to a new buyer.
  • Purchase Order
    A Purchase Order indicates the amount, type, and price of items a buyer wishes to purchase from a seller.


  • Quitclaim Deed
    A Quitclaim Deed is used to transfer a title or whatever interest the owner (grantor) may have in property to another person (grantee) without any warranties of title.


  • Real Estate Purchase Agreement
    A Real Estate Purchase Agreement is used to document the purchase and sale of real property.
  • Reference List
    A Reference List provides potential employers with a list of personal and work contacts who can verify your information.
  • Referral Agreement
    A Referral Agreement, also known as a broker agreement, outlines the rights and obligations of a broker providing their services to a client for a fee or commission.
  • Registered Agent Service
    A Registered Agent is an individual a company appoints to handle government, legal and tax correspondence for the business. Appoint your Registered Agent today.
  • Release/Waiver Agreement
    A Release/Waiver Agreement, also known as a Settlement Agreement or Liability Waiver, is an enforceable promise not to proceed with a legal claim in exchange for money or other compensation.
  • Remote Work Policy
    A Remote Work Policy outlines the expectations of the employer and employee when work is done away from the office or at home. A Remote Work Policy provides clear guidelines so all rules and responsibilities are understood by all employees.
  • Rent Increase Notice
    A Rent Increase Notice is used to inform a tenant of a future increase to their rent payment.
  • Rent Receipt
    A Rent Receipt is used to keep track of full or partial rent payments.
  • Residential Lease Agreement
    A Residential Lease Agreement outlines the terms of a residential tenancy between a landlord and tenant.
  • Residential Rental Application
    A Residential Rental Application is used by landlords, lessees, and property managers to collect information on potential renters prior to leasing.
  • Residential Rental Inspection Report
    A Rental Inspection Report records the condition of a rental property when a tenant moves in, and again when a tenant moves out.
  • Residential Sublease Agreement
    A Residential Sublease Agreement is used when the tenant transfers property rights over to a third party, known as a subtenant, for the remainder of the residential lease term.
  • Resignation Letter
    A Resignation Letter provides legal notice to your employer of your departure from the company.
  • Resume
    A Resume Builder is a tool that generates a custom, formatted resume based on the information you enter about your past work experience, skills, education, volunteer experience, interests, and more.
  • Revocable Living Trust
    A Revocable Living Trust is a useful estate planning tool that allows the contributor to stay in control of their property as the trustee while they are alive and arrange how some or all of their assets will be managed after their passing. A living trust also avoids most probate fees.
  • Revocation of Power of Attorney
    A Revocation of Power of Attorney is used to revoke or cancel an existing Power of Attorney.
  • Risk Management Plan
    A Risk Management Plan helps you identify, evaluate and mitigate risks that may impact your business or project. Use our free Risk Management Plan template to reduce negative impacts and increase the chance of a successful project.
  • Roommate Agreement
    A Roommate Agreement is used between two or more roommates to set out the rules and responsibilities of the shared tenancy.


  • Sales Agreement
    A Sales Agreement outlines the terms of a transaction, where a seller promises to sell something that a purchaser promises to buy.
  • Satisfaction of Mortgage
    A Satisfaction of Mortgage is signed by a lender acknowledging that a mortgage has been fully paid by a borrower.
  • Separation Agreement
    A Separation Agreement is used by two spouses to establish terms for living apart. It includes how they intend to separate assets and debts, and allows them to address child custody and spousal/child support, prior to a divorce judgement.
  • Service Agreement
    A Service Agreement outlines the terms of a given service between a service provider and customer.
  • Settlement Agreement
    A Release/Waiver Agreement, also known as a Settlement Agreement or Liability Waiver, is an enforceable promise not to proceed with a legal claim in exchange for money or other compensation.
  • Shareholder's Appointment of Representative
    A Shareholder's Appointment of Representative allows a representative to vote at all shareholder meetings and make decisions that a corporate shareholder would normally make.
  • Shareholder Agreement
    A Shareholder Agreement is a contract between shareholders of a corporation. It specifies shareholder rights and responsibilities, and includes terms on internal management, share valuation, profit distribution, dispute resolution methods, and more within a corporation.
  • Shareholder Loan Agreement
    A Shareholder Loan Agreement is used when a corporation is borrowing money from one of its shareholders; a shareholder is lending money to its corporation; or a corporation owes money to a shareholder (for salary etc.) and the parties need a record of the payment for tax purposes.
  • Shareholder Proxy
    A Shareholder Proxy allows an individual or corporation to appoint a representative to vote at a shareholder meeting.
  • Shareholders' Consent to Action Without Meeting
    A Shareholders' Consent to Action Without Meeting records the decisions taken by the shareholders of a corporation without a formal meeting of the shareholders having taken place.
  • Shareholders' Organizational Meeting
    A Shareholders' Organizational Meeting document records the initial resolutions and actions of the shareholders to organize the corporation.
  • Share Purchase Agreement
    A Share Purchase Agreement is a contract used for the sale of stock or shares between an existing shareholder of a corporation and another individual or corporation.
  • Share Repurchase Agreement
    A Share Repurchase Agreement is used when a corporation wishes to repurchase shares from one of its shareholders.
  • Share Subscription
    A Share Subscription is used when new common shares/stocks are issued by a corporation and sold to a purchaser, also known as a subscriber. The subscriber executes this document and it is then retained in the corporation's records.
  • Short-Term Rental Agreement
    A Short-Term Rental Agreement sets out the terms and conditions of renting out a residential vacation property as temporary, short-term accommodation.
  • Social Media Policy
    A Social Media Policy outlines policies for employees on presenting themselves and the brand on social media. A custom policy helps protect both the brand and the employees.
  • Subcontractor Agreement
    An Independent Contractor Agreement is a written contract that spells out the terms of a working relationship between an independent contractor and a customer.
  • Survivorship Deed
    A Survivorship Deed creates a joint tenancy between two or more individuals, where they each have equal interest in a property. Upon the death of one of the owners, his or her interest in the property goes to the surviving owner(s).
  • SWOT Analysis
    A SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning tool used by companies and project managers to evaluate internal and external strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.


  • Tenant Application
    A Residential Rental Application is used by landlords, lessees, and property managers to collect information on potential renters prior to leasing.
  • Termination Agreement
    A Termination Agreement can be used to discontinue or cancel an existing agreement.
  • Termination by Tenant
    Tenant Notices are given to a landlord by a tenant, and include Notice of Intent to Vacate, Notice of Termination, and Notice to Repair.
  • Testamento y Últimas Voluntades
    Proteja su patrimonio y a sus seres querido mediante un Testamento. Puede dividir sus bienes, nombrar un tutor para sus hijos o designar a una persona para que organice su herencia.
  • Therapist Service Agreement
    A Therapy Service Agreement outlines the terms of services and payment details between a therapist and client. This contract can be used for psychotherapy and counselling, physical therapy, occupational therapy, massage therapy, and more.
  • Trademark Assignment
    A Trademark Assignment transfers ownership of a trademark from one party to another.


  • Vehicle Leasing Agreement
    A Vehicle Leasing Agreement is used when an owner (lessor) rents a vehicle to another person (lessee) for a fixed term period.


  • Warranty Deed
    A Warranty Deed transfers the title of a property between individuals, warranting that the grantor has a good clear title and there are no encumbrances on the deed.
  • Website Privacy Policy
    A Website Privacy Policy is a document that provides information about all of the ways a website can collect, use, and store user data.
  • Website Terms and Conditions
    Website Terms and Conditions detail all the rights and obligations of the users and the owner of a website.
  • Will
    Protect your assets and your loved ones with a Last Will and Testament. You can divide your property, choose a guardian for your children, and name someone to manage your estate.