Create Your Free Eviction Notice

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Free Eviction Notice

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Eviction Notice

Proof of Service

Proof of Service

Where will the proof of service be completed?

Frequently Asked Questions
How should I serve this notice?This notice may be served personally on the tenant. In some jurisdictions, mailing the notice to the tenant may be an option.

If you deliver the document in person, you should ensure an objective third party (a person who is unrelated to you and has no interest in the matter) witnesses the event, just in case the tenant tries to deny having received the notice.

You should contact your local courthouse or tenancy board to ensure you are properly serving the notice.
Are there any special requirements for ‘serving’ the notice?In some jurisdictions, landlords must put an official eviction notice on the property a certain number of days before the tenant can be forced off the property.

In other jurisdictions, the landlord must get the police to post the notice or the landlord must obtain a court order before the tenant can be evicted. Usually, the notice can be served by delivering it to any adult tenant of the property.

It is important to know which rules apply to your situation. Contact a local landlord/tenant board or a lawyer if you are unsure of your obligations.
A Notary Public is a state-appointed official who is authorized to authenticate certain legal documents, such as declarations, deeds, mortgages, and other contracts.

Your Eviction Notice

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Notice to Pay Rent Page of
Notice to Pay Rent
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NOTICE TO: _____________________, TENANT in possession and all others:


  1. Pursuant to a written lease dated _________________, you are obligated to pay certain rents on the premises described as: ________________________________________ (the "Premises"), of which you now hold possession.
  2. You are late in the payment of rents totaling $___________. This rent was due on February 10, 2025.
  3. You are hereby required to PAY the said rents, in full, to the Landlord, or its agents, within thirty days after service of this notice.
  4. If you fail to pay the above mentioned rent within the time period mentioned above, the tenancy will be forfeited at the end of that said time period.
The remainder of this document will be available when you have purchased a license.

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Eviction Notice

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