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Cover Letter

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 September 11, 2024

To Whom It May Concern,

I am pleased to submit my application for the __________ opening at your company. I have used this letter to briefly summarize why my application is worthy of attention.

I am excited to work at this company because ________________________________________.

As an applicant with skills in __________, I have confidence that I am a strong candidate for the role of __________. For example, _______________________________________________________.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application to join the team at your company. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at.



Last Updated October 12, 2023

Cover Letter

What is a Cover Letter?

A Cover Letter, sometimes called an application letter, is often a necessary part of a job application that complements your resume. Where a resume lists achievements, education, and relevant experience, a Cover Letter expands on those details to explain to a prospective employer or hiring manager why you're the most suitable candidate for a position.

Why do I need a Cover Letter?

Not every job opening will require a Cover Letter as part of the application. Many retail jobs, for example, tend to only require applicants submit a resume and fill out an application questionnaire. However, many applications (for government jobs or administrative positions, for instance) request cover letters to help in the hiring process.

A resume is a more simplistic list of dates, job titles, and qualifications, and although those lists are useful, they don't explain how your experience and skills gained from the positions in your work history can contribute positively to a new company, position, or work environment.

Unless the job you're applying for specifically says "no cover letters," it's a good idea to submit one.

Additionally, if you're using employment agencies for help in your job search, they'll likely ask you for a Cover Letter along with your resume.

How do I write a Cover Letter?

A Cover Letter doesn't have to be very long. Often, they aren't longer than a page, and each paragraph comprises two to three concise sentences. It is important to include specific details and examples of your work that will explain to an employer why you'd do well in the position you are applying for.

A Cover Letter should include:

  • The contact information of the company where the job is posted
  • Your contact information including a phone number and email to ensure you're easily reachable
  • A greeting to the hiring manager (if you can't find their name, To Whom It May Concern will suffice as a greeting)
  • A sentence stating which position you're applying for and why you'd like to work for the company
  • A brief summary of your previous jobs with relevant experience to the position
  • A paragraph with some concrete examples of how you've used the recommended skills listed in the job posting in your previous work
  • A closing statement thanking the reader for their time

Related Documents:

  • Resume Builder: a tool that generates a custom, formatted resume that includes education, skills, job history, and more
  • Letter of Recommendation: a reference letter that describes the qualities, capabilities, and character of another person
  • Resignation Letter: a letter that gives your employer legal notice that you're leaving their employment
  • Reference List: a list of personal and/or work contacts who can attest to your abilities as a worker to a potential employer
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Cover Letter

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