Free Commercial Lease Termination Notice

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Commercial Lease Termination Notice

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This notice may be served personally on the other party, and mailing this notice may be an option in some jurisdictions.

Where will the proof of service be executed?

Frequently Asked Questions
What is proof of service?A proof of service is evidence that can be introduced into court to verify that the tenant was properly served with a copy of the document. Anytime a process server or court official is used to deliver a notice to the landlord or tenant, it is advisable that you request proof of service.Are there any special requirements for 'serving' the notice?Notices must be served on the tenant at their address for notice, at the property, or by delivering it to any adult tenant of the property. However, there may be different rules in different jurisdictions. It is important to know which rules apply to your situation. Review the laws of your jurisdiction or contact a local lawyer if you are not sure.If I deliver the document myself, how do I prove in court that the tenant received it?If you deliver the document in person, you should ensure that an objective third party (a person who is unrelated to you and has no interest in the matter) witnesses the event, just in case the tenant later tries to deny having received the notice.A Notary Public is an individual who is authorized to authenticate certain legal documents, such as declarations, deeds, mortgages, and other contracts.

Your Commercial Lease Termination Notice

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NOTICE TO: _____________________, TENANT in possession and all others:

Address of Premises: ________________________________________


  1. Pursuant to a written lease (the "Lease") dated January 20, 2025, you are a tenant for the premises described as: ________________________________________ (the "Premises"), of which you now hold possession.
  2. Your Lease creates a monthly tenancy.
  3. Your Lease or the applicable laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia requires that you be given at least _________________ advance notice prior to the termination of your Lease or tenancy. This Notice of Termination serves as notification of the Landlord's intention to terminate your Lease.
  4. Pursuant to your Lease and the applicable laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, you are hereby given notice that the Landlord is exercising its right to terminate your Lease effective as of 12 noon on the 20th day of January, 2025 and you are required to vacate the Premises on or before 12 noon on this date.
  5. All terms and obligations in the Lease, including, but not limited to, the obligation to pay rent, remain in effect until the latter of the 20th day of January, 2025 and when you have returned possession of the Premises to the Landlord or its agent.

Issued on: ________ day of ________________, ________


Landlord's Name: ________________

Contact Address

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Notice of Termination
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I, the undersigned, AFFIRM AND DECLARE under penalty of perjury that:

  1. I am at least 18 years of age.
  2. I served a true copy of this Notice of Termination, on _____________________ (the "Tenant") as follows:
[   ] On _______________ ____, 20___  I personally handed this Notice of Termination to _____________________, the tenant.

[   ] On _______________ ____, 20___  I personally handed this Notice of Termination to ___________________, one of the tenant's agents.

[   ] On _______________ ____, 20___  I sent by   [    ] first class   [   ] certified   [   ] registered  mail a true copy of this Notice of Termination to the tenant's address for service provided in the lease. Certified/Registered item # _________________________.

[   ] On _________________________________________________________________________



COUNTY OF ____________________

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, on the ________ day of ________________, ________

Signature _____________________________ (Seal)
My Commission expires: ______________________





Last Updated January 7, 2025

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